Well the month of April flew by just like that! I forgot to post my logbook update once and then missed it all month! No worries though. If you’re really interested, there’s always my logbook page.
A few things in April of note:
- I picked up an IC-705 in preparation for getting outside more this year. Of course, a battery, antenna, backpack, and other things had to be purchased as well!
- I tried a Parks On The Air activation, but I think my antenna system was too compromised. I learned from the experience and think I have a solution.
- Our local club bought a Yaesu repeater. I’ve been involved with getting that on the air.
- Winlink has come to the forefront in our local RACES/ARES group, so I’ve been using that quite a bit more.
- I made a few tweaks to the website, including adding propagation data to the sidebar and it’s own page.
Coming up, I am attending Hamvention with my elmer. We are very much looking forward to being there all three days!