Highlights from the log 032622

By | March 26, 2022
Got a new hat at the hamfest last weekend!

Compared to previous weeks, it was a fairly light period of radio activity around here. My work got in the way of my fun Monday through Wednesday! The nerve! Ha!

Even so, it was cool to have 10 meters open quite a bit when I WAS able to get in the shack. One ham friend of mine worked South Africa on 12 meters. And 15 meters has been booming with DX lately, at least for me.

A quick look at the look shows that I reached the Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, Russia, Hawaii, Sint Maarten, Belgium, and more. You can always check the last several entries in my log at QRZ by going to my logbook page here on the site.

While I haven’t had a ton of time to get outside with the IC-705, I do have it in my shack when not in the bag and ready to go. It works great on the local repeater. I’m really looking forward to getting outside and into the parks in my area for some POTA action this summer. I also have some travel coming up and plan to operate portable whenever and wherever I can.

In local amateur radio news, we had 20 check-ins to our local net last Sunday. I’m not sure if that’s a new record, but it’s the most I’ve heard in the two years I’ve been checking in! It’s great to hear new hams on the air!

Until next week, 73!