What a great week it was for my ham radio hobby! Made contacts on FT8 and phone with Italy, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Brazil, Uruguay, and Spain internationally. In the USA, I worked all over the nation on 15m through 40m.
I’ve been brainstorming ways to get 80m in the shack. Still working on that.
The North American QSO Party was this weekend. I thought hey, let me give this contesting thing a try! I made 5 contacts and decided well, it’s not for me. At least for this weekend. Sounds stressful and indeed, I think it raised my blood pressure just getting those 5 contacts!
Had a great breakfast this morning with a couple of local hams. It’s always great to connect for an eyeball QSO with the people on the repeater!
Finally, I am super happy that my friend Eric passed his Technician exam today! I’m sure he’ll get his call sign this coming week if the VE’s get right on it.
Hopefully I’ll have some news on the 80m front next week. Until then, 73!