Highlights from the log 011622

By | January 16, 2022

It was a great week of ham radio around here! Three moments that stand out are:

  1. Working Swaziland on FT8. Apparently there are only 3 amateur radio operators left in Swaziland and I was able to work one of them on 15m.
  2. Working Argentina on 10m! Yes! There was a 10m band opening on 011422 and I was able to work LW8DXR on SSB. Super cool!
  3. It took quite a few tries, but I eventually worked E74K in Bosnia-Herzegovina on 40m FT8. Way cool!

This weekend was POTA Weekend and I worked a number of stations on Saturday. It was great hearing not just individuals but also a few clubs out there operating. I picked up at least a couple of two-fers from POTA activations by clubs and at least one from what sounded like a dad/child combo.

I’ve also been enjoying checking in to the Moonlighters Net on 7.279. Sometimes they have to move around but they are usually in that neighborhood. Great bunch of people!

Until next time, 73!